



@ Fit For You Gym

What is The Bowen Technique?


Bowen Technique is a gentle hands on therapy in which the practitioner uses a unique series of rolling moves to stimulate the fascia between the skin and muscles to send messages the the brain to trigger healing signals. There is no manipulation of hard tissue (bone crunching) and no force is used. Bowen Technique prompts the body to reset, repair and balance itself and clients report the experience of improvement of function, higher energy levels and ultimately, pain relief.


What does Bowen treat?


The list of conditions treatable by Bowen is growing everyday but below is a list of commonly treated ailments:



  • Back Pain
  • Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Migraine
  • Asthma
  • Sports injuries
  • IBS
  • Tennis elbow


  • Carpal tunnel
  • RSI
  • Depression
  • Fibro/poly Myalgia
  • Hayfever
  • And many more...



© Exeter Bowen Technique 2019

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